Do any of you use liniments (Bigeoil, Absorbine) after a ride? If you do,
what kind and where do you apply it? If you don't, why not? I rode with
some folks at Pt. Reyes once, who applied this after they rode. They
mostly did barrel racing and some trail riding, not endurance. My
understanding, was that it would help to soothe sore muscles??
How about poultice? Once, after a ride, a saw this horse who's legs
were being covered with poultice (I had to ask what it was!!-it
looked like cold cream!!) and then wrapped in Saran wrap (I think?!) and
then some other wraps!! My understanding on this, was that it was to
help reduce inflammation and swelling??
If you respond, please also let me know what distance you ride.
Leslie (not afraid to ask a "stupid" question)
and Cherokee (NO WAY you're putting Ben Gay or Noxema on ME! PHEW!)
Leslie Murgatroyd <> Kelseyville, CA