>Does anyone have any suggestions on which brand or type of ice boot works
>best? I am looking for some that are easy to use and will really get the
>leg cold.
Well this is a late reply. Did anyone come back?
DC ICE BOOTS the BEST we have used and YES we sell them
These are what Val K used in WEG.. They are easy to use no inserts or ice to
load..no water soak no mess
put in freezer week before the race ( i keep a pair on ice all the time)
freeze flat then roll up
Put in cooler with ice and no other stuff.
dont open the chest until the vet check.
Use at every check
no mess unroll place around leg and velcro in place.
Horse can walk around they flex very well
and when frozen are VERY cold only leave on for 10-15 min
dont want to freeze the leg just cool it down
as the boots melt leave on longer
keep rolled and in the ice.
They lasted for the full OD 100 ((20 hrs) a few years ago.. were still quite
cold in the am to keep her legs cool.. really did help with filling heat
TALL size 14 inch list at $80 a pair. plus shipping
Many colors.
800 655 VMAX