ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] steep hill training, walk or trot?

Re: [endurance] steep hill training, walk or trot?

Wendy Milner (wendy@wendy.cnd.hp.com)
Mon, 17 Jun 96 15:17:04 MDT

> Is the trotting up better for the cardio vascular? Would it then be
> easier on the muscles and not develope the rear as much?
> I know when I climb, if I go too fast I reach a point of having to
> stop, and my breaths have to catch up. If I go at a steady pace, I can
> keep going. Of course, I have 2 feet, Mystery 4, and we are built very
> different!
When you begin, walking up hills is tough, then it gets easier.
If you continue to work at it, you'd be able to run up the hills.

The same goes for the horses. To being with, just walking up the
hills gives the heart a good work out. Then as the horse gets into
condition, you have to push harder, and trot up the hills.

The easiest gait for the horse is the canter, a sort of lunging up
the hills. You keep them to the trot to make them work harder.


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Wendy Milner HPDesk: wendy_milner@hp4000 Training Development Engineer HP-UX: wendy@fc.hp.com Mail Stop 46 Telnet: 229-2182 3404 E. Harmony Rd. AT&T: (970) 229-2182 Fort Collins, CO, 80525 FAX: (970) 229-4292