Do most of you feed some sort of additive/supplement/vitamin as a matter of
course? I don't mean Cosequin for a joint problem (for example) or
electrolytes (I think we all pretty much agree that electolytes for this
sport in any kind of heat are needed) - I mean things like Source,
Dynamite, hoof additives, special high performance feeds, etc.
I am fortunate in that I have really good pasture and hay (in addition to
grain and water of course <g>) and my horses have always looked good as a
result in terms of coat, wieght, and hooves. So, I have never used any
supplements/vitamins/additives even when I was doing lower level eventing
and dressage consistently and in the heat/humidity (I *know* that is not
the same as 50 miles - that's why I'm writing this post <g>). Maybe I've
just been really, really lucky and have just never had a horse that was
predisposed to metabolic problems or deficiencies - who's to say?
Are these things really necessary in the _absence of some known
deficiency_? Or do most of you say, *yes*, due to the demanding nature of
this sport, our horses need the extra boost in their diet even if there is
no evidence of a problem or deficiency?
I am not meaning to put anyone on the defense about using or not using
anything - I am just wondering out loud (well, not really out loud <g>) if
I should re-think my feeding strategy as I start asking more of my horse in
terms of distance and speed.
Looking forward to hearing from some of you about whether you use extras
or not and why...
Tina (who is pondering about feeding her horse even tho she has a ton of
work in front of her)
Embers (ask *more* of me?? what more could she want? I carried her out of
those d*&n mountains and rocks just fine didn't I?? she needs
Tina and the crew
Huntsville, AL