ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Swan Creek Ride
[endurance] Swan Creek Ride
LINDA SHERRILL (sweau@voyager.net)
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 22:15:25 -0400 (EDT)
Come join us at the Swan Creek Ride, June 22nd. This is a southwest Michigan
ride that is no picnic, but is sure beautiful scenery and a great trail.
Crews can meet you every 3 miles or so, but from the trail, you'd think you
were in the deepest wilderness there was! We'll have a 25 limited distance
ride, a 50 mile endurance ride and a 100 mile endurance ride, all on Saturday.
The awards are great, the food is great, and the camp is really nice too.
Call (616) 673-3744 and ask for Jeff or Julie and let them know you'll be there!
This is a new location from last year's ride (more challenging trail) and
better facilities in camp.
Linda Sherrill
Justus Arabians
...dedicated to the Davenport Arabian...
Linda Sherrill
Justus Arabians ...dedicated to the Davenport Arabian...
"It's not the competition....it's the company...."