just a follow-up to a few comments i noted following my story. perhaps i
paint a picture of an excessively nasty trail, but i must emphasize that the
trails through fort valley and the massanutten mountains are some of the
most beautiful and spectacular scenery to be found in the east. this ride
was tough for me for a number of reasons:
(1) i rode too fast, too early in the season
(2) adverse weather -- bright s & sunny, temperatures in the upper 70*s with
humidity on ride day, after a week of snow, rain and wind
(3) only a partial clip
(4) too much speed over rocks that dictated walking, not break-neck speeds...
i was fortunate that travis came out of the ride looking great, spitting
fire the next day, mad at me for pulling "early". not a hint of lameness or
sore back. i made a wise decision (even if mr t disagrees) and learned a
few lessons the hard way. make no mistake - the old dominion isn't
considered the toughest ride east of tevis for nothing! but despite a 1 for
5 completion rate on these trails on three different horses (including three
pulls at the finish) i keep going back! i'll be heading back to make my
second run at the OD 50 in june (hooray! it's finally looping back to base
camp!!!), so maybe sixth time's the charm...
safe & sensible trails!
kevin & travis