> Karen
I sometimes pack a water bottle for me (gatorade) and one for the
horse (squirt the neck periodically when it's really hot). I used the
Lemon Ice gatorade during a ride last year. Tastes great but looks
just like water. Yep, the horse got a sticky neck and I got a mouthful
of trough water. (amazing how poorly the brain works after too
many hours on the trail)
> ******************************
>> Karen,
>> Thanks for visiting The Cooler Site!!! Guess what, it just
>> came out in the store shelfs!!!! Yes you now can get the lemon
>> ice in the powder. If you dont see it, tlak with the store
>> manager.
>> Please,put us in your Bookmarks, then come see our new changes
>> that are comming!!!!!
>> http:www//www.gatorade.com Gatorade, The Cooler Site
>> Remember " Lifes a Sport Drink IT UP!!!"