ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Dressage Mag
[endurance] Dressage Mag
Virginia Goodman (PHA146@UKCC.UKY.EDU)
Fri, 29 Mar 96 19:54:45 EST
I'm not sure where the original "poster" resides, but I believe the
study was initiated because of concerns over racing horses over the
Georgia countryside in July. If you haven't been there, you can't
possibly know how welcome multiple buckets of water will feel after
working up a sweat. I know at Rolex at the end of April, horses come
off the cross-country course with temperatures of 104, and the air
temperatures are often only in the 60s. Add 30+ degrees and suffocating
humidity, and you get the picture.
Personally, I'm one of those riders who, if I think being soaked will
feel good, my horse gets soaked too. But if getting soaked and standing
around would cause me to shiver, I'll confine the water to my horse's neck,
legs, and belly. This has worked for me, and I've never cramped a horse.
Virginia Goodman
Georgetown, Kentucky