ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Walking or resting? -Reply

[endurance] Walking or resting? -Reply

Desiree Hanen (desiree.hanen@medtronic.com)
Thu, 28 Mar 1996 04:48:04 -0600

I would walk the horse or even walk along the horse. Not rest while
standing still. A walk keeps the bloodflow up, even better I guess is a jog
to get the heartrate down and stimulate bloodflow and recovery, but not all
horses and riders know how to jog adequately (without getting into a trot
real soon again).

Just my 0.02!

Desiree Hanen - The Netherlands

(Still... it takes Love over Gold & to finish is to win!)

>>> Robertson Ranglers <roberc@pacific.pacific.net> 03/28/96 07:55am >>>
I would like some opinions on whether you should walk or stand and rest
your horse after you have RUN up a long hill and your horse is breathing
hard, is sweaty (wet) and it is either cold or hot outside. You would be
walking down hill or flat if you kept going.

Personally I like to keep my horse moving and walk. I feel she can cool
down and recover just as well as if I let her stop completely and she
muscles will not get tight if I keep her moving.

What do you think??
Carol Robertson <roberc@pacific.net> Kelseyville, CA