Splash is six years old, 15.2 - 15.3 hands and weighs 970 pounds. He has
8 1/16" diameter cannon bones with no conditioning. Splash has had
sixty days of professional training but has not been ridden this year.
He is an intelligent horse with a willing attitude and good memory. He
loves people and although he pastures well with other horses, he is
enough aggressiveness to rank fairly high in the horse
community--enough, I think to be competitive.
Splash is a Padron grandson and has the Padron look. He is a tall,
elegant bright chestnut with two socks and a blaze, and a long arched
neck. There is a snapshot of him at www.ak.net/whampton/whampton.htm (not a great
photo but I can't get the horses to go away from me when they are
loose). He is priced at $3500.
Patricia Hampton <nwind@povn.com>