ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Helmets
Re: [endurance] Helmets
Denise (DeniseTH@chumash.snfc21.pbi.net)
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 18:04:43 -0800 (PST)
>Joe makes a valid point. The industry usually recommends getting it xrayed
>when you go to the hospital after a bad fall. Heck, it's more cost efficent
>to buy a new one. The point being overlooked in the discussion isn't
>really the shock absorbtion standard. IT'S THE CRUSHABILTY STANDARD. The
>national spokesperson for the industry 3 years ago was a woman from Ok.
>who'd been a PRCA rodeo barrel racer. She was well known on the circuit.
>I'm not really that familar with the sport so I can't remember her name
>right off the bat. Her quarterbanger crashed on the way to the first
>barrel, rolled over and in it's panic to regain his feet stepped on her
>head. She's now a quad. The neurologlists think had she worn a helmet. Well
>we all know that rodeo folks don't.
>How many times in my 40+ years on horses can I think of the times a horse
>has crashed (I've spent a lot of that time training and riding combined
>training) and almost stepped on my head. Two years ago Flossie crashed
>into a solid wall and we dumped. She scrambled and stepped on my hand in
>her greenie panic. Messed up the tendons in a moderately big way. It just as
>easily could have been my head. I was wearing my helmet.
>See Bonnie you're sinking in. :)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tommy Crockett~Los Osos, California USA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~tomydore@goblin.punk.net~~DAMS028%CALPOLY.BITNET@cmsa.berkeley.edu~
> www HOMEPAGE http://www.slonet.org/~tcrocket
this is my first message-i hope it works-had to comment on helmets-at the
stable where i was taking some lessons at a rider was jumping a 4' fence on
a big TB, fell, the horse stepped square on the side of his head. His eye
had trouble seeing for about an hour had a real sore jaw, but was o.k.- his
Troxel helmet had a big hoof print squash on and he happily had to buy a new
I was amazed, the helmet saved his head and it could've been a whole lot worse!