As the saying goes, "Don't say anything you wouldn't want to see
printed on a Billboard."
Billboard, in this case, being one you see at the side of a road!
(It's nice to see that the folks @ endurance don't engage in tacky
"flame wars.")
If you'd like to read up on how AltaVista, WebCrawler and the rest
glean your name and everything else you've ever added to cyberspace,
pick up a copy of Wired magazine's current issue. Read the article
about "bots" (software robots) for a piece of enlightenment. It's a
bit scary, but probably no worse, say, than fire ants or the closing of
No Hands Bridge.
_ ,--/ is the address of
<_ __/ /\| Natalie's "Barn & Breakfast" in Weimar, CA.
( )__, ) ~ A B&B for horses (and their riders)
// '--; in the heart of Tevis Country. (916) 637-4644