It's been available to anyone who wants to do a search on AltaVista for a
long time. Steph has 'em available on her endurance homepage. It's kind of
a hassel in one regard. If someone with whom I do business forgets my
catalog address and does a search using my name they'll get literally
pages of results from their webcrawler's finding and making available of
my name via this mailing list. They'll probably stop paging forward long
before finally coming to my jewelry catalog listing.
I don't think Steph has ever made any secret of it. The archive of
postings here has been available for almost as long as her homepage
So if anyone is interested go do a search of your name on the Alta Vista
search engine.
You'll be shocked to see what comes up if you've been active for any
length of time on this list. Remember this isn't just going out to the
500 or so members of this list. Don't write anything you don't want to
see published in Horse Illustrated or Horse and Rider. It may not end up
there, but could reach as many people through other venues. (Not to say
it won't!)
On Mon, 18 Mar 1996, Diane E. Nelson wrote:
> That's news to me, Roger. How can we find out about this?
> Diane @ Safe Haven
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tommy Crockett~Los Osos, California USA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~