So, can we all agree that the Circle Y is a piece of junk?
Now heard from: SR enthusiasts, Aussie-fans, Tucker catalog (anybody got one?)
Arabian Saddle Co. remaining a mystery--too pricey maybe?
Reminder: we haven't reached the "official survey" stage. We are still at
the "anecdotal information" point with lots more data to be gathered and
somehow phrased in such a way that semi-quantifiable results can be obtained
(my cat, Miss Priss, is sitting on my Statistics for Social Scientists even
as I write). Right now I have enough to do better than a mere mock-up of a
Michael Plumb Journal article (from the school of "I like this one best
because...."). Oh boy, Ima gonna get flamed fer that one.
Anybody ever have their saddle analyzed with one of those computer analysis
pads? Dr. Joyce Harmon has one in VA. She's tough to get ahold of...but
I'll see what I can do. Must be more of them spread around the country.'s WARM today. Watch out Kasey, Miss Tubby wants to ride!
Diane @ Safe Haven
incaseIhaven'tmentionedthezoo (5 cats: Miss Priss, Beanie, Crissypuss,
Captain Kirk, & TC for Too Cute---one Odie, a Newfoundland shedding like
there's no tomorrow---and Miss B, Mr T & Kasey)