ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Thorogood Saddle
[endurance] Thorogood Saddle
Rae Bolton (bolton@pbhs.brevard.k12.fl.us)
Tue, 12 Mar 1996 09:58:58 -0500
I wasn't going to put this in, but when someone(J. Hall) asked
about the Thorogood saddle(State Line Tack) specifically, I decided to send
it. Well, I will make this quick and hopefully short. In Sept. of '95 I
purchased the Thorogood Synthetic All-purpose saddle, around $200.00. I
liked it at first, but mileage over 30miles in one shot resulted in a sore
back for my horse, swelling, muscle spasms, for short periods after a
ride.(I was using quality woolback and gel-pad with it---tried it with and
without the gel pad.) The padding was not even in the saddle or had not
worn evenly, as well as pinching his shoulders if placed too far forward.
I have heard and agree that these are common problems with some horses,
mine was one of them. Also, I don't think mine has a flexible tree either,
but it did pinch his shoulders (if placed too far forward).
I am an average to heavy female rider (5'5" 145-155lbs) and maybe
for the lighter riders they would be OK. As far as comfort for the
rider----I did like the saddle and felt very secure. Mine was an
All-Purpose style, nice jumping over obstacles------but tough to get your
legs directly under yourself (the stirup were positioned too far forward).
I should have gone with the flatter dessage model to start with. In
defense of the synthetic saddles, I have seen some riders have a lot of
success with theirs. For the price and being easy to care for they can't
be beat!!
After deciding that my horse needed and deserved another saddle, I
have ordered a Sport Saddle. I had tried one that belonged to a friend and
loved it!! I also understand that there are many who don't like the SS for
the horse or for comfort----I guess we will see if it works for me.
What did I learn? Go ahead and invest in a good saddle the first
time around......I would be $200.00 closer to having that SS saddle paid
Susan Rae Bolton
3875 Toby Ave .
Valkaria, Florida 32950
Home (407)727-8765
E-Mail: bolton@pbhs.brevard.k12.fl.us