>Kasey was reluctant to move forward. My first thought was "Well, aren't
>we being a little pig today?" Then I placed my hand, palm-side to the
>saddle against where the most shoulder movement was occurring. My hand
>was subject to near crushing pressure with each stride--both sides
>of the pommel. The saddle, with the added weight of rider and the girth
>pulling the flexible tree down into the horse, produced extreme pinching
>at the withers. No wonder Kasey wasn't moving--he couldn't!
>Both saddles are unsuitable for these horses. Question: are flexible
>polymer trees unsuitable when the weight of rider and action of the girth
>are added to the equation? Without a rider the tree width appeared to be
Karen, during my saddle search, I was told to
stay away from the flexible trees like Wintec
and the other synthetics have. For the reason
you are talking about. I was told the trees would
pinch as they flexed with the rider's weight.
Based on that, I didn't look further at the
synthetics. However, at a 50 mile ride this
fall, the winning horse was wore a Thorogood (
(spelling?) endurance synthetic saddle. Has anyone
else had experience, good or bad, with the
Thorogood? I thought it also had a flexible
Jude Hall
>I am continuing to collate the information & will update periodically.
>I'd like to hear about SR Enduros, Tucker, Smith-Worthington, The Arabian
>Saddle Co., etc.
>Thanks again--
>Diane @ Safe Haven
>safehavn@fast.net or nelsonde@ttown.apci.com