Saddles: I ride an SR Enduro and love it, the stirups hang very balanced and
I can take dressage lessons on it. It is made to fit the rider and current
horse by making a plaster cast of the horse's back, I've talked to a lot of
people and all say they've never heard of one soreing a back when fit to the
horse. If you change horses you can send it back with a cast of the new
horse and for a nominal fee they change it for the new horse. I vary on the
border of middle to heavy weight.
I also purchased a used Orthoflex Traditional to start my young horse in
(has deeper seat than Enduro) and also so I would have a saddle for each
(i.e. ride one, pony one). My reasoning was simple -- it is a nice saddle
and price was right. I tried to get "history" from Orthoflex but so far
(months) have received nothing so don't know what/who it was made for, but
so far OK. I moved the stirup leather screws back as far as they will go
and they hang in a more balanced position but maybe could be a little
further back still.
Husband is heavy weight and has a DiPetra Synergest saddle and likes it a
lot, he occasionally gets dry spots on withers if he uses the pad that is
sold with the saddle so switched to a cool back and has no problems.
Gatorade: I hate the stuff so had the health food store find a source for
electrolyte in tablet form as I recalled my dad talking about "salt tablets"
they were issued in the army. Mineral Electrolyte Formula by Parillo
Performanace, 5143 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnatai, OH 45213, phone is
1-800-344-3404. We also found in camping supply store a sport (electrolyte)
tea that is pretty good cold or room temp, comes in tea bags to brew yourself.
Trail food: I can eat certain flavors of Power Bars just fine, husband
can't so he found some of the empty-fill-em-yourself-with-what-you-want
tubes (like toothpaste tubes) in the camping store. He particularly likes
chocolate pudding with diced peaches mixed in -- Yetch!
Question: which horse electrolyte brand do you all use and why that one?
Question: Do you use the Sports Medicine Boots (or splint boots) and if so
which and why, or why not?
Read y'all soon!
Karen & Jim Clanin
Atascadero, CA