Also wanted to put in my usual plug for SportsSaddle. I am a heavyweight and
my stallion used to be an idiot under saddle, and now he's great. I really
think it was the Saddle. (He seems to be fine with the girth now too...??)
I am 5 feet high or so. HE's 15.1 and has a broad back and nice big barrel,
but the only time that saddle slid was when I was stupid and Show Sheened
his back for a halter class and promptly forgot that stuff stays on!
(Like I show halter a lot!!)
I think I just have the basic enduarnce model, black and I got the biggest
seat I could- the more room I have the more comfortable it is. I use it on
all the horses I ride, and no one has complained or had a sore back yet.
I personally don't believe that this saddle is just for less than
heavyweights, because the only reason I got it or even looked into it was
that a certain vet in NOrthern VA also uses one all the time and she does
100s successfully in it. (SHe is also a heavyweight)
SO, Diane, hope this helps.
| Gwen Dluehosh "Pretty enough to show, |
| Desert Storm Arabians (| |)_____ tough enough |
| 2249 Mt. Tabor Rd / \ \__=___ to RIDE." |
| Blacksburg, VA 24060 (= + =) \___=___ |
| 540/953-1792 \ + / \__=____ |
| | + | \____=___ |
| Endurance/racing ()+() \ _______ |
| halter stock available \_/ |