Did I hear Karen say that there are now about 500 riders worldwide linked
via this list???? Gosh Steph I remember when you first launched it, well
it seemed to be just a few of us, but it so qucikly grew.
One of these days I'll pry myself away and actually go to the convention,
but because of your kind and tireless conviction I can still reach so
many of us via silicon. :)
Oh oh, I won't qualify, but I'm going to crew for Ann Kratchovil at the
ROC this year so I'm think there's going to be more endurance list pins
on site then I could shake a stick "at." (yeah yeah I know it should be
"at which." :) So whoever snailed my complaints of Susan to her as posted
here two years ago or so should tell her we get to talk face to face. I'm
not eligble for a subscription :( to Trailblazer anymore.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tommy Crockett~Los Osos, California USA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
www HOMEPAGE http://www.slonet.org/~tcrocket