ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Health certificates

[endurance] Health certificates

C.M.Newell (reshan@ultranet.com)
Fri, 8 Mar 1996 23:12:23 -0500 (EST)

Your best bet with the health certificate issue is to contact the
state department of animal health for the state to which you are traveling.
They can tell you what the requirements are for their state. Some are
stricter than others; enforcement of regulations is directly proportional to
the immediacy of any disease outbreak <G> (Remember the VS outbreak last
In Massachusetts, health certificates are only valid for 10 days
followwing issue. They require verification of a negative Coggins test
within 24 months, but most states with a Coggins test requirement for horses
entering the state have a 6 month window.
Oogie's system sounds fantastic. We should all be so organized!
--Charlotte Newell, DVM