> My wife has just got the a Vmax (by wireless model, presumably you mean
> there are no wires between the transmitter and the wrist-watch style
> readout). If so, that's what she got (and the cheapest version, without
> alarms levels).
The new wireless vmax heart monitor, has no wires between the electrodes
and the transmitter. A lady I ride with (who's lurking on this list *:))
Has both the old style, and the new wireless model. The great thing
about the wireless one, is that if you do lot's of "brushing" you break
wires frequently. It just has this small (2 in wide) strap that velcros
around the girth area. No transmitter hooked to the breast collar. We
discovered that it works better though, if you hook the watch to your
saddle near the transmitter. If you wear it on your wrist and carry your
hands at all high, you lose the pulse frequently.
@-',--- MARISA ---',-@ ***************************
............................. * Smile! It kills time *
purpl2@teleport.com * between disasters.... *
Portland, Oregon ***************************