In case anybody is new, or missed it, we have a chat room open on DAL net
for endurance riders. It is called #AERC. If anybody would like
instructions or more information on how to get to mIRC chat (DAL net) please
e-mail me and I can send more info.
We currently are trying to keep the chat room open and active on Tuesday and
Friday evenings. 7-10 pm (time zones may very depending on who is
monitoring it). Would anybody else like to help monitor the channel for me?
If so, e-mail me and I will put you down as "ops". I know that once ride
season starts there won't be as many of us home on Friday evenings - but for
now I am available that night, and besides, we can all join in on #horses
and play horse trivia.
We have had several people stop by, and have had as many as six or eight
riders chatting at once. Please join us. :-)
aka Drm_Weavr