I too like power bars. They're not wonderful, but I can stomach them. I
also make my own beef jerky and love to take it on rides. I tend to
think not of myself, but my animals too. The dogs like the beef jerkey
*:) Other favorite riding foods are grapes and those mini carrots
(Special loves them). I don't like to take big fruit like apples of
oranges. Too hard to pack. I drink gartorade after rides (lemon ice)
but don't carry it with me. I only carry water. Lots of it! For me,
since I sweat alot, replacing salt and electrolytes is very important.
The jerky and gatorade does this. I don't seem to have blood sugar drops
that are too bad. But that's what I carry the fruit and/or power bar for.
About saddles, some of you will hate me. But, I ride in an old
argentinian all purpose saddle. It fits me and my horse well. And I got
it for $250. I'm a convert to english, and like it much better.
@-',--- MARISA ---',-@ ***************************
............................. * Smile! It kills time *
purpl2@teleport.com * between disasters.... *
Portland, Oregon ***************************