ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] trail snacks
[endurance] trail snacks
Linda Flemmer (CVLNURS@CHKD-7.evms.edu)
Wed, 06 Mar 1996 16:15:43 -0500 (EST)
I have not found a power bar flavor I like, & I gag on gatoraide
unless I am REALLY dehydrated! If I have a crew, I get a pasta salad
at stops, & I carry banana & apple chips in a pouch as well as SOUR
hard candy. (I know, my husband keeps saying..."You'll choke on that
hard candy the next time Rocket shies.) I always have water w/ me, &
I usually drink it, too. (I had a 6'7", 260 lb man crewing for me
several times. When he hands you a 96 oz cup of liquid & says "DRINK"
- you DO it!) I stay away from chocolate - it has caffeine in it (a
mild diuretic) and just the chocolate itself seems to dry out my
mouth. Needless to say - no tea, coffee, etc. I enjoy lemon aide &
a watermelon at the end of a race in the summer! (My horse likes to
beg bits of melon from me, too.)
I have high blood pressure and take diuretics by prescription along
w/ another antihypertensive. It becomes a juggling act near ride
time - when do I stop the diuretic? W/ help from my doc in the
decision making, I now stop taking it 24 hours before the ride, only
drink electrolyte solutions that are light on sodium, and resume the
diuretic after I have rehydrated fully. My physician came to one
ride to see what it was that I actually did. She thinks that I am
certifiably crazy, & she may come to crew for me one day. (Another
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Equestrian Supplies/ Blue Wolf Ranch
Chesapeake, VA
"In case of emergency - Fur side up, steel side down!"