>I have ridden this saddle in competition both in competitive trail and
>endurance for 3 years. I have had only one problem where my horse had dry
>spots just behind the withers.
I've always heard that dry spots or uneven sweating was an indicator of bad
saddle fit. However, there have been times that I've unsaddled Tony and
noticed what Roger mentioned - dry spots behind the withers. But I have
never found him to be sore after a ride or unwilling to move out the next
day under tack or in any way lame.
I'm wondering how much correlation is there really to sweating patterns on
the back and saddle fit?
Tina Hicks, hickst@nichols.com
Andy (dal) (those were geese *decoys*???)
Tony (Arab) (I didn't mean to run you into that tree, at a canter, head
7 fatcats (give us unlimited food & prime sleeping areas & noone gets hurt.)
one husband
Huntsville, AL