ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Saddles

[endurance] Saddles

Diane E. Nelson (nelsonde@ttown.apci.com)
Wed, 6 Mar 1996 11:42:35 -0500 (EST)

We could really use a thorough assessment of the pros & cons of each of
these saddles on the market. Perhaps we could poll folks about what
saddles they have, why they like/don't like, what they're looking for,
fit for rider/horse, etc.

In the East we don't have a lot of people with the Boz, ZES, etc. Some
folks have the Orthoflex Lite, love it (but this model isn't made any

I'd be willing to catalog people & saddles & perhaps put together a email
list so seekers could ask specific questions of the right person. It's a
start. We certainly should rationalize this very tedious and expensive

If interested in pursuing this email me at safehavn@fast.net.

And if anybody has THE ANSWER, could I know first...please??

Diane @ Safe Haven

Been through: Stubben Siegfried & Survivor, Albion dressage, Sport
saddles (2), Skyhorse, Orthoflex (2), Collegiate endurance, no-name
Western endurance, Whippy dressage, State Line "fake" saddle - in fact
all the "fake" saddles, Western & English. Gads, I could write a book.