Does anyone have any advise to help me prepare him for this for the
next couple weeks? At this point, he doesn't live in a stall but I
intend to stable him at Grass Valley. I figure by the time the day is
done he will be so pooped out he will appreciate the stall. He has
been in stalls before...he just prefers the outside (like me)
This will also be his longest trailer ride but hey, we have to start
somewhere. Grass Valley is approx. 2 hours. If anyone else in the SF
Bay area wants to go and needs a ride, I have a 2 horse slant and will
probably leave Friday afternoon.
Does anything stand out to anyone regarding things I should expect but
may not realize since I've never done this before. Please post to me
directly so we don't clutter up the endurance list with non-endurance
stuff. Thank you very much...
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
In Petaluma..beautiful riding day on Sat. but now it is raining