ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Back Injuries
Re: [endurance] Back Injuries
Sat, 2 Mar 1996 11:32:39 -0500
I am past 30 something, and a nurse. Back injuries are a part of life. The
best thing is to rest the injurred area, wear a brace to support it during
recovery. Wearing a brace at all times has controvercy. When people wear
them they think they don't have to use good body mechanics, and re-injure
their back with a brace an and then blame the brace.
The best prevention is the keep the back exercesed and the supporting
abdominals as well, and to always use bady mechanics.
That is to bend your knees when you load that bale of hay into the truck for
the ride. Carry the saddle close to your body . Watch how you carry those
water buckets.
And no matter what you do , you can still blow your back doing something as
stupid as sneezing while bent over to tie your shoes!
Good luck
Becky Hackworth