ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Biltmore terrain
Re: [endurance] Biltmore terrain
Diane E. Nelson (nelsonde@ttown.apci.com)
Thu, 15 Feb 1996 13:27:49 -0500 (EST)
Linda--rather than pads, have you considered using the Slypner horse
shoes? Kasey had road founder from the miles of hardtop at the Groundhog
75. We (I'm sorry Kasey, I mean HE) suffered from multiple abscesses,
extreme bruising that you could see on the outside of the foot and
terrible ouchiness everywhere. We pulled shoes, then went to regular
shoes with pads--didn't help much. Now he has the Slypners & really
seems so much happier about going down the road, literally---hard
surfaces don't faze him (just bore him).
Something to consider.
Diane @ Safe Haven
Eastern PA