I'm forwarding your message to the online endurance listserve,
endurance@moscow.com . (let me know if you want to subscribe).
There are probably some listserver subscribers from your area that
can contact you about local clubs.
Are you an AERC member? The monthly Endurance News publication is a
wealth of information.
As far as the books, Karen Paulo's "America's Long Distance Challenge"
and Lew Hollander's "Endurance riding from beginning to winning" are both
books that I am familiar with and like. There are probaby other good
ones out there that someone else can refer you to.
Hope this helps!
Steph Teeter
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Heft <heftb@wl.aa.com@pmdf@srvr01.research.aa.wl.com> writes:
> Hi, I am interested in getting involved in endurance riding but
> don't know where to start. I'm an experienced rider who had to
> take a few years off for college (my horses had to pay for my
> education). I'm now in the market for a new horse and would
> like to try endurance or competetive trail. Would you possibly
> have (or know where I could find) listings of
> clubs/organizations? I live in southern Michigan. Also I saw
> the listing of books but was wondering if you could reccommend
> which ones would be best for a neophyte.
> Thanks for any help you can give!
> Sandy Patmore
> Patmors@aa.wl.com