IF we get an early spring, or at least a decent reprieve from the
incessant cold and precipitation, and the trails are do-able on Mar.
31--would any riders have had the opportunity to do even a minimum amount
of conditioning to chance a 50 that early in the season? I can't do just
a limited distance 25 endurance and I've already released that date to a
NJ group for the Bunny Hop 25 CTR on the same day.
Trailering to better footing seems to be out of the question--the further
south you go the more snow they had this past weekend. North is...well
north. How about it, Virginia/MD riders??
Ride managers--any suggestions? I can always cancel the ride but then
I've got a substantial cash investment in phone calls, postage, etc. I
very close to pulling the plug on this one and trying for a date later in
the summer. Naturally the Horse Park has a full slate of activities
throughout the season so fitting in another date may be tough, but still
possible at this time.
Any input gratefully accepted.
Diane @ Safe Haven
Ride Manager Bucks County 50
safehavn@fast.net or nelsonde@ttown.apci.com