>Are there any side effects or long-term problems with using Regumate?
Not really.
>Is the mare still easily breedable later or does it upset her cycle when
taken off?
It is very similar to humans: Some are fertile the next month, other take a
full season to startup again after long term use.
> How often is it administered? By injection? Orally?
Daily in the feed.
> What is the approximate cost per dosage?
I charge in the neighborhood of $2.75 per day.
>Is spaying a worthwhile alternative if you don't plan to breed later? How
>traumatic is spaying? I understand that it can be done vaginally but the
>mare has to be cross-tied for 2 or 3 days after? Isn't this cruel,
>especially to an endurance horse that is accustomed to freedom and movement,
>or is the end result worth the discomfort for several days?
Vaginal spaying is not for the faint-hearted. There are very few side
effects other than death. It is risky, but it is routinely performed by some
excellent surgeons that have very few complications (deaths). I consider it
a good alternative if 1) you never want to breed her nor ever sell her to
anyone else who might want to breed her, 2) you cannot control her moods
(cycles) any other way, 3) you have tried most everything else, 4) you cannot
live with her unless something is done and most importantly, 5) you know a
very good surgeon experienced with this surgery who suggests it to you and
feels comfortable doing it.
Any surgery could be considered cruel. It does not hurt when it is being
done, they are in never-never-land enjoying the horsey-movies in their
drugged brain, but once they wake up it hurts. Just no getting around this.
BUT IF IT MAKES THEIR LIFE BETTER, a few days of pain is worth it.
Always try Regumate first. If it doesn't work, neither will spaying.
C. Mike Tomlinson, DVM
Tomlinson Consortium
35887 Ramada Lane
Yucaipa, CA 92399
ResEMail: CMikeT@AOL.com
OfcEMail: Mike@Tomlinson.com
Desk: (909)307-2369
Fax: (909)307-2366
Recept: (909)798-3333