ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Nasty Mare

[endurance] Nasty Mare

Sat, 3 Feb 1996 22:32:27 -0500

Hi Everybody!

I need some advice. Does anyone have any experience with Regumate or any of
the other products designed to regulate (or suppress) a mares heat cycle? Is
this something that can legally be used in a horse prior to a race (could you
be disqualified for using drugs on the horse?) A good friend of mine has a
nice Appy/TB mare starting in endurance. She is a very nice mare, perhaps a
touch hot, but generally easy to handle if you pay attention. However, when
she is in season she becomes almost uncontrollable. She will start sweating
before her owner gets her compleatly tacked up. If any horses leave the area
before she does she rears,spins, toses her head, generally freaks out. This
includes horses that are not in our party who she has never seen before.
Under saddle she refuses to be rated. She will not go slower than a gallop
without a fight. I mean an all out fight with her rider who is 6'3" and over
200 lbs. Enough with the descriptions, she becomes dangerous to herself and
everyone around her. Please understand, this happens only when she is in
season. My friend is concerned that sooner or later she will come into season
during an endurance race and either injure herself or him. Some people in our
barn have used Regumate on a pleasure mare, but there is a big difference
between a horse who is ridden 4 hours a month and a competeing endurance
horse. Any info would be helpful.


Jbagford, Utah