ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: lunch

[endurance] Re: lunch

Sullys Maze (Sully@forsythe.stanford.edu)
Fri, 2 Feb 96 18:16:40 PST

[35999] FRI 02/02/96 17:29 FROM fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com "Dominique Freeman":
Re[2]: Lunch; 55 LINES

From: Dominique Freeman <fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com>
To: jsnyder@td2cad.intel.com
Subject: Re[2]: Lunch
Cc: endurowest@sadandy.hpl.hp.com
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 17:00:48 -0700 (PST)

rotate through the area (we can draw straws at the end of the lunch
meeting) and winner gets to pick the place. Heh ehe heh, that means if
we are ever to have lunch in Davis (Pat, Chris), Stockton (Joe) Brentwood
(Linda), Oregon (Nancy) you guys will just have to come to a Bay Area
lunch meeting ;^)

Hey, don't forget now there are four of us in Lake Co. on the
newsgroup! Karen, Tammy, Leslie and Carol.
Dominique Freeman | "Life is short, science is long" |
fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com | |
Hewlett Packard Laboratories, | |
Palo Alto, CA USA | |
Phone: (415) 857-8596 | |
FAX: (415) 852-8576 | |