Would some one who is good at conversions take the info below and
change it into miles and pounds (for us poor folks who can't do
the simple conversions ourselves)?
The results of a study on nutrition and the training of horses in
160 km (100 mile) races. 1985 Old Dominion and 1985 Race of Champions
rides were used, owners of the horses completed a survey prior to
the ride. 52 owners, 54 horses
Completion horses Pulled horses
50 4
Age 11.5 +- 4 10 +- 2
Weight (kg) 429 +- 50 432 +- 32
km trained/week 61 +- 32 83 +- 14
Total feed (kg) 12 +- 2 13 +-1.4
Hay (kg) 10 +- 2 9 +- 3
Grain (kg) 2.3 +- 1.4 3.2 +- 1.8
% TDN 60 +- 5 61 +- 7
% Protein 12 +- 2 12 +- 6
% Fiber 27 +- 4 25 +- 6
kg TDN/km trained .14 +- .08 .09 +- .01
kg Prot/km trained .03 +- .02 .02 +- .005
kg Fiber/km trained .064 +- .04 .039 +- .01
TDN = Total Digestable Nutrition
There were several other statistics in the article, but I didn't
feel like typing in the entire 6 pages.
Dr. Sarah Ralston compiled the data and wrote the article.
-- Wendy\|/ /\ -O- /**\ /|\ /****\ /\ / \ /**\ Here there be dragons / /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\/\/\ /\ / / \ / \ / \/\/ \/ \ /\/ \/\ /\ /\/ / / \/ \ / / \/ /\ \ / \ \ / \/ / / \/ \/ \ / \ \ / / \/ \/\ \ / \ / / \ __/__/_______/___/__\___\__________________________________________________
Wendy Milner HPDesk: wendy_milner@hp4000 Training Development Engineer HP-UX: wendy@fc.hp.com Mail Stop 46 Telnet: 229-2182 3404 E. Harmony Rd. AT&T: (970) 229-2182 Fort Collins, CO, 80525 FAX: (970) 229-4292