I think I *will* go with the wider stirrup, tho.
Thanks for the help.
NOW - since I have this bad habit of buying neat things from catalogs and
finding out *after* I get them that they aren't so neat, I have a couple of
more questions:
- Does anyone use the sheepskind stirrup leather covers? what do you think?
It looks like they would be comfortable - when I get really fatigued and am
not so careful about my leg position, I sometimes get a rub from the
leather on the inside of my lower leg - would those help that?
- Is there any differences between the different biothane tack? SportTack
carries one, The Australian Tack Connection another, and I've seen it under
2 or 3 other names - isn't is all pretty much the same stuff?? The pricing
is very comparable. Any thoughts??
Thanks for the shopping help!!!!
Tina, hickst@nichols.com
Andy (dal) CGC, 2/3 CD
Tony - the dippy Arab (with no clue about his endurance ride schedule - hehehe)
one husband and 7 fatcats in Huntsville, AL
*These opinions are my own. If they were someone else's, they wouldn't
be mine.*