> The condition scoring system (as I was taught it):
> body score 3- thin: some fat over ribs and backbone (individual vertebrae not
> seen but ribs still easily visable)
> body score 4- moderately thin: negative crease along back; ribs faintly visable;
> (most racing TB's fall in this category)
Thanks alot for posting this!! I would say Special is between 3 & 4.
Probably closer to 3. Ribs visible (rear ribs more visible), hip bones
too pointy, can't see individual verterbrae or back bone. For those who
asked--she's 15/16 arab, light "classic" body type. I've never seen her
"heavy", she just doesn't carry alot of weight.
I would really like to know where other people's horses are!
@-',--- MARISA ---',-@ **********************
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** Gravity **
purpl2@teleport.com ** Sucks! **
Portland, Oregon **********************