I've done both the S&S and Mustang. They are good early-season rides, not
too easy or too hard. Both are in open, rolling terrain with some long steady
climbs and a few steep climbs. There is some woods, but it's mostly open,
so the trails dry out.
The Mustang Classic is at Grant Ranch Park, and is a moderate ride
in my opinion. Lots of water, some mud in the shade. Usually good footing,
but a few areas have squirrel holes (the flat road heading for the finish
line is one of them, starting about a mile out).I think they are running
this as a series of figure "8"s but I'm not sure. We use to go through camp
several times and had lunch in camp.
Oh, LOTS of wild pigs in the camp at Grant Ranch! I had to chase 3 yearlings
out of Shatirrs hot-wire pen last time I was there. They were playing
pig-polo with his water bucket, rolling it around & playing with it. Good
thing that Shatirr doesn't mind pigs, huh! There was an audience of about
5 other _big_ pigs... it was a riot!
The Shine and Shine rides are in Quicksilver Park. I always thought they
were "easy" rides, but supposedly that's because I train there! I'm told
it's rated moderate to hard ride.
The water is good, the course is basically one loop ridden twice.
There are some good long climbs and decents. The footing at this time
of year is good, with a little mud in some areas. When I rode it last
spring, it rained the last half of the ride, and though it was muddy,
the underlying ground was solid enough to still trot slowly on. It's
definitely a no-frills ride. I trailer to camp the morning of the
ride to vet in.
Stacey and Helen have convinced me to take little Kadanse on the
March Shine and Shine for his first ride. Anyone else on the net
going to do it?
Gilroy, California