ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] helmets

Re: [endurance] helmets

C.M.Newell (reshan@ultranet.com)
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 12:46:46 -0500 (EST)

Well, I'm going to come down squarely in the middle on this one. I
wear a helmet. It has saved me from more serious injury in the past; a
helmet probably saved my friend Gordon's life a few weeks ago, in the
opinion of his doctor.
However, it is *my* decision to wear a helmet. It was *Gordon's*
decision to wear a helmet.
I have to agree with Teddy that legislating common sense not only is
infuriating, it is futile.
I have no problem with organizations mandating helmets to lower
their insurance premiums, however. Though perhaps a clever lawyer could come
up with a release form that militant anti-helmet wearers could sign that
would not allow them or their heirs to collect in case of death or scrambled
If an instructor/trainer wants to require helmets, that is their
perogative. If you don't like it, find another trainer. If all the good ones
make you wear a helmet, maybe they're trying to tell you something...
As far as whether juniors should have to wear helmets, most of the
kids I know have parents. The job of educating one's offspring is not always
easy, but it is necessary. It isn't the responsibility of the rest of the
world, though we are free to give the juniors our opinions...

"The expression in a horse's eye is like a blessing on a good man's house."
--Sayied iben-el Rabil, quoting the Prophet