23 starts, 2 pulls
1. Bill Wilson Beau Diddley 5:28
2. Jim Wiseman Cyrano 5:40 BC
3. Ruth-Ann Everett Anath Mahir 5:40
4. Robin Oscar Once in a Blue Moon 5:43
5. Brenda Ratcliff Geyms Tinkerbell 5:43
6. Kevin Baird Brown R Farah 5:43
7. Marion Brewer That Boy 5:43
8. Claude Brewer Nicholas Scamper 5:46
9. Connie Caudill Durango Kid 6:00
10. Amy Whelan Sly 6:00
11. Cindy Young Kohnician 6:01
12. Marie Threadgill Beep 6:01
13. Pat Oliva Falconeer 6:08
14. Barbara Chu Charm 6:08
15. Ivey Daughteridge Sann Antonio 6:10
16. Lous McAfee B.A. Rhett Butler 7:11
17. Tessa McAfee Echo 7:11
18. Kathy Kissick KK Furino 7:37
19. William Cole Rushcreek Edge 7:54
20. Pam Meadows Storm Balker 8:42
21. Laura Szeremi Bugle Call Rag 9:38
22. Lucy Hancock Tamar Star Of David L
23. Terry Nance Buster L
25 milers
12 starts, 1 pull
1. Shelby Cook Night Shift 2:51
2. Vanissa Swaim Granite 2:53
3. Jill Nanney Jazz 2:56
4. Angus McDonald Gus 2:57 BC
5. Teddy Lancaster Ghay Lassa 3:43
6. Jessica Eversley Flairs First Alert 3:43
7. Donna Jackson Sterling 3:43
8. Mary Anne Wenke San Crest Skyhawk 3:49
9. Lisa Johnson Silver 5:00
10. Betty Sturkie KA-Beau Destiny 5:04
11. Flora Smith Nashate 5:05
12. Kathy Schraeder Reynard L
These are the results as I was given them over the phone. I am sorry if
I misspelled anything. Also, for those who don't believe in printing the
times of LD riders, please don't shoot the messenger!