ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] My BIG Mistake!

[endurance] My BIG Mistake!

The Purple Demon (purpl2@teleport.com)
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 12:46:36 -0800 (PST)

Hi all,

What happened last weekend with Special is really bothering me. I keep
thinking about how badly it could have turned out..... I just feel
terrible. And I am more than a little scared to go out and ride her hard
again, for fear that she might tie up. It just TERRIFIES me that she
could have died, and that it would have been -MY- fault! I've always
known that getting into endurance riding was potentially very hard on a
horse. But I guess I just didn't think that it could be so serious at my
currently -low- level.

I would really like to hear from others about this. Thanks!


Ma The Purple Demon ---,'-@ ** Good things **
ri ............................... *** come to those ***
sa purpl2@teleport.com--Ptld. OR *** who...whine!! ***