> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 11:20:52 -600
> From: Joe Long <jlong@hiwaay.net>
> To: endurance@moscow.com
> Subject: [endurance] Cramps and Tieing Up
> This post is in response to the people asking for info for new
> riders. It will be a long post, with several "war stories" to illustrate
> points, so you experienced folks may want to skip it.
<<Good description of Tying of and it's causes snipped>>
Thankyou So Much!!!! I now know what happened on Sunday, and am -VERY
THANKUL- that Special was ok. The description of the causes of tying up
absolutely fits what happened the couple of days before our ride Sunday.
Thank God she's ok!!! I will be -VERY- careful in the future to make
sure she has light excercise, and no changes in feed before a ride.
I had planned to go riding on Saturday, but due to problems with my
husband's family couldn't. Also starting last week her feed was
increased because she was looking to thin. Therefore, she had increased
feed, no work friday -or- Saturday, and then I went out to ride her hard
on Sunday. I will be -very careful- to *NEVER* do this again!
Thanks again!
Ma The Purple Demon ---,'-@ ** Good things **
ri ............................... *** come to those ***
sa purpl2@teleport.com--Ptld. OR *** who...whine!! ***