> Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95 16:05:50 PST
> From: JENNIFER H LAYMAN <Jennifer.Hixson@forsythe.stanford.edu>
> To: endurance@moscow.com
> Subject: [endurance] over riding
> >I think that what we have to do is teach the new comers as well as
> >we can and as well as they will listen. When we see a potential
> >problem (with any rider), point it out to the rider in a very
> >positive way, and suggest a solution. You can't determine how the
> >person will react, all you can do is your best.
> As a new comer to this sport, I personally relish in any advice I
> receive. I may not always agree with the advice, but I would never
> refuse hearing it. I would be the girl crying by her horse if I
> personally caused harm to her. However, when I do my first 50
> miler it will be just that (my first), and I may not see signs of
> trouble that a veteran would, even though I know my mare better.
> So, keep talking, I want to hear it. Someone may not be so willing
> to listen, but believe me when you find a beginner like me, you may
> be begging to get rid of 'em.
> Jennifer
I would like to second this! Could us newcomers please have some helpful
tips on how -not- to over-ride a horse??? ESPECIALLY a horse that
-loves- to go and will go until they drop.
Case in point--I had a very scarey experience this Sunday! Special has
been getting in better and better shape (so have I). And we've spent 3
days a week at the arena working on dressage too. The last 2 weekends when
I went up to my Mom's to ride I had younger tag-alongs, and had to make
Special go -slowly-. Consequently by Friday she was -very- frustrated
and cranky. So I decided on Sunday I would take her out and let her GO!
You know, work the bugs out and push the cardiovascular stuff....Well I
didn't mean to push it -that- hard. We trotted about 1 mile down to the
bottom of my Mom's property--all down hill with very little flat. Then
out to a logging round that is a fairly steep grade and about 1-1 1/2
miles. She can pull this hill at a trot very easily, and has pulled it
at a slow canter more than once. Well, on Sunday she wanted to GO, and I
didn't feel like arguing with her....so I let her. We galloped about 3/4
of the way up, then she slowed to a canter, as we neared the top she
trotted. Trotted about 1/4 mile, and she wanted to canter again, it's
fairly tough going so I let her canter some but mostly trot...then jump
the creek... Out the back of this trail, and she's doing fine. We've now
traveled about another 1 mile (3 all together) at mostly a canter with
some trotting. Went another half mile or so at a trot, and she slowed to
a walk. We were walking through a stretch of woods, and I noticed her
making some strange gut sounds. I got a little worried, so I stopped to
check her pulse. When I got off her legs were shakey and I was WORRIED!
Took her pulse 88, good gut sounds...watched her a couple of minutes, she
started looking better, pulse 86. I'm thinking "Please don't tie up!!
Please don't tie up!" In a few more minutes she looked ok, so I got back
on and made her -WALK- but I was still having to argue with her! She
wanted to trot!!! Ran into somebody I needed to talk to (a property
owner, who's property I cross), stopped to talk a few minutes, and walked
on. Then stopped to take her pulse again, 64, and she seemed
fine. So we went on. She seemed to recover fine. Continued after a
little while at a trot. We finished our ride with mostly all trotting,
some slow cantering. And walked the last mile or so home (but I was
still -making- her walk!) When we got back she was tired, but not overly
so. We covered a total of about 10 miles, at a pretty good clip.
....Not an endurance ride I know, but a pretty good work out!..... So my
question is-- what happened??? Was she tying up??? Did I just push her
to hard?? Input would be greatly appreciated! And, FWIW--I'm not
interested in winning anything!! I just would like to -finish- a ride
in -good- condition!
Ma The Purple Demon ---,'-@ ** Good things **
ri ............................... *** come to those ***
sa purpl2@teleport.com--Ptld. OR *** who...whine!! ***