On the one 50 mile ride I've done in recent
historical times we had a total of, if I
remember right, 2 hours and 40 minutes for
5 in-ride vetchecks... [not including the
trot-by at 6 miles as this took no "time",
but I think they are a GREAT idea].
This total was down from the originally
scheduled 2 hours and 50 minutes since
the vets didn't want the warmed up horses
standing around an extra 10 minutes at
the first check (12.5 miles) due to the
cold and chill.
This formula pretty much evens out the
pace 1/2 a world away. I think I remember
this right since it was such fun and all
I can do is rehash this ride and dream
about the next one...
:) - kat
and Magnum... who is back on the trail.
I'm remembering WHY I decided he could
do 50 miles in the first place... can
you say *excess energy* ???