ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Bandera tx ride

Re: [endurance] Bandera tx ride

Joe Long (jlong@hiwaay.net)
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 11:12:20 -500

> From: mmaul@micro.ti.com (Mike Maul)

> 1. is there any rule that allows a longer time if the conditions
> are "exceptional"? it seems a waste to have so many people ride
> w/o even a completion.

> 2. this was not the case here where the holds were 30, 45, 30 on the 50
> but it seems that if the holds get lengthened for any reason - this
> comes out of your riding time. it would seem counterproductive
> have a longer hold time for a solid reason and then less time
> to ride.

For many years, the riding time allowed was at the discretion of ride
management. Then, some ride managers abused the privilege by having
24-hour 50's (to allow some people trying for very high mileage to
complete) and 14-hour 100's (to discourage all but the "hot shoes"
from entering). The AERC responded by making the 12 hours per 50
miles an iron-clad rule, with NO exceptions. The hold times are
included so that ride managers could not use them as a loophole; as
you say, the longer the hold times the shorter the available time on
the trail. That is the intent.

I believe the iron-clad policy is wrong, because it does not take
into account the great variance in trail difficulty and weather

I fought for years while I was on the Board to change this policy, to
allow ride managers some flexibility. I was unsuccessful.


Joe Long Rainbow Connection Arabians PC/LAN Manager home of Kahlil Khai Calhoun Community College AERC Hall of Fame horse jlong@hiwaay.net 11,475 miles completed