Calcium Phosphorus Mcal/lb Protein
Beet Pulp .62 .09 1.06 8.9
Wheat Bran .13 1.13 1.33 15.4
We have not considered Beet Pulp to be a vitamin source in calculating
rations because of the percent of total diet.
When introducing new feed ingredients to your horses' diet they should always
be introduced at low levels for atleast 72 hours. It takes 72 hours to
develop the proper enzymes for the digestion of an unfamiliar feed
ingredient. Unless you have already taken into consideration adding a
digestive aid to the diet like A.B.C.'s Plus, which is fortified with many
enzymes to digest the most commonly used feed stuffs including beet pulp and
wheat bran.
In discussing the use of beet pulp it is easier on a horses' digestive system
to familiarize their digestive tract to wet feeding. Adding up to 1/2 pound
of beet pulp mixed with your horse's grain is beneficial. Consideration must
be taken in regards to calorie intake for the individual horse in reference
to racing condition and weight. It is critical to feed beet pulp when it has
been soaked. When wet feeding it is also critical to feed FRESH wet feed. As
soon as water is added to feed ingredients it begins to ferment.
Pre Race Loading
It has been beneficial to begin loading at least three days prior to a
competition. Pre Race Loading in reference to carbohydrate and electrolyte
levels for your individual horse.
Amounts to feed
What to feed your horse in regards to amounts is difficult to suggest over
computer discussions because each horse has INDIVIDUAL requirements to
perform. One may want to increase by 20% their normal daily feeding amounts
and adjust accordingly.
During Competitions
We feed our horses as much as they will eat of whatever they want to eat. For
more information James Helfter has written a response to ENDURANCE NEWS
mailbag addressing questions on how to feed an endurance horse. The article
is located in the November 1995, Volume 26, Issue 10. The article begins on
page 4.