ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: endurance-digest V1 #200
[endurance] Re: endurance-digest V1 #200
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 15:14:15 -0800
<< I have a strangles horror story as well. I leased a Arabian Gelding
for a few months while I was shopping for my new horse. We got him
his shots, and included strangles. His owner was not sure what shots
he had received, so we went ahead. The poor horse could have died!
He contracted something, either strangles itself, or some horrible
virus as a result of the shot. His legs started swelling up, and at
their worst were the size of tree trunks. His skin got stretched so
tight he was bleeding through his pores. The vet fought it with
antibiotics and cold (ice and water treatment). He was down for
about 3 weeks, but recovered. >>
What you describe is called purpura hemorrhagica, it is an immume reaction to
the Streptococcus equi bacterium that causes Strangles. Purpura is one of
the possible sequela to Strangles and sometimes to the vaccine. There is no
way to predict if a horse will develop purpura. It can involve inflammation
of the blood vessels and other problems. It is usually treated as you
described, antibiotics (penicillin), hot packs and / or cold packs, and often
corticosteroids (dexamethazone), and NSAID's (Banamine, Bute).
Good Luck IMHO O-) Dr JR
email JRDVMDIVER@aol.com
Julie A. Robinson DVM, MVSc, MS, DABVP (Equine)
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