Text item:
I negotiate corporate contracts for technical software, support, and
maintenance. Typically maintenance charges run approx 12-15% of the software
purchase price annually. It appears that the board members expertise is not in
computers, nor is it in dealing with suppliers. Even if the software (if it is
canned) cost $20,000(one time fee) the maintenance should not exceed $3000
annually. Maintenance is defined as bug fixes, patches, and updates to the
current version.
If the software is being written, there should be a plan with milestones
indicating timeline and performance expectations. Highly skilled technical
software consultants are paid approx $1000 - $1500 per day. Once the software
is written by the consultant, the license should be "owned" by AERC.
Maybe we can offer our assistance to the board for future discussions - or
better yet, renegotiating the Agreement they have in place. (?)
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Subject: Re: [endurance] computer charges...
From: lahaywar@ffx.mobil.com (Lori Hayward)
To: Carlos4000@aol.com
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 08:24:40 -0500
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