ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Strangles Question
Re: [endurance] Strangles Question
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 10:43:02 -0500
Strangles is caused by a baterium (not a virus) called Streptococcus equi. A
1/4 mile away your horse should be ok, if a horse shares a water source, feed
trough, etc... gets coughed on, or contacts any discharge from an infected
horse they can develop Strangles. Once Strangles is on a farm it remains in
the soil for a *long* time. There are Strangles vaccines, but IMHO, I do not
have much faith in them... they can cause abscessation at the injection site,
may not prevent the disease but should make it less severe if the horse still
gets it, etc... The best treatment is time, hot packing abscesses, drainage
of abscesses, isolation of infected horses from others, and an adquate dose
of penicillin for 14-21 days if needed, along with some bute if needed.
Good Luck IMHO O-) Dr JR
email JRDVMDIVER@aol.com
Julie A. Robinson DVM, MVSc, MS, DABVP (Equine)
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