The cold weather has hit here in Oregon with a vengenace. And now I have
a problem.... Because of working Special so hard, she gets *VERY*
sweaty, but I can't bathe her because it's too cold. What do other's
do? I have my husband looking for an old water heater, so that I could
have warm water. But in the meantime I just have a cold hose. She needs
a bath -REALLY- badly, and I'm wondering what to do. Help!!!
Also, Special's mane is very long, and get's terribly tangled on rides.
I used to be able to bathe her and condition it really well to get the
tangles out. Should I just braid her mane when I ride her?? Right now
I'm just spraying it with WD-40 and brushing it out, but it's sticky and
-VERY- dirty.
I *REALLY* hope somebody can help me. Thanks in advance!!!
<<Opinions are like belly buttons>> The Purple Demon --,'-@
<<Everybody's got one..... >> ..............................